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RE/SEARCH / Zines!

RE/SEARCH / Zines!

Regular price $85.00 AUD
Regular price Sale price $85.00 AUD
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Zines!  1996
Softcover, 184 pages
28 x 22cm, Vol I
Re/Search, V.Vale 

Condition: New 

Zines Vol One comprises The First History of the Zine Movement. In the past few decades a quiet revolution has gained force: over 100,000 “zines” (independent, not-for-profit self publications) have emerged and spread–mostly through the mail, with little publicity…

THE FIRST BOOK ON ZINES! Flaunting off-beat interests, extreme personal revelations & social activism, zines directly counter the pseudo-communication & glossy lies of the mainstream media monopoly. V. Vale’s interviews capture all the excitement associated with uncensored freedom of expression, while offering insight, inspiration & delight.

Features: how to tips to create a great ZINE without money! Better Living through creative scams & pranks! Queerpunk, Riot Grrrl, Fat Girl! A history of pre-zine rebel publishing! Thrift Store Shopping Confidential! Includes 10 pages of inspiring quotations, a directory of 800 selected zines, index & introduction/overview.

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